CET. In this webinar, we reviewed the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual 4th Edition (LBM) and in particular its sections on conducting Risk Assessment. May 16-20 2022. With this webinar series, EHMA and Abbott want to present the impact of laboratory work in health management, including in the response to the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. The Knowledge Hub was launched in November 2016 in response to the need for a single institute devoted to migration and public health in the Region. Through a series of presentations, renowned experts will tackle topics such as surveillance, prevention, diagnosis and blood safety in the European Union. Finally, the last webinar, hosted by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists on January 25, will tackle the issue of affordability from the procurement angle. To Register for the world top class European Public Health Conference (EPH 2022), With the Theme of: Public health futures in a changing World ,which includes keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. About Conference. Second #Webinar: Thematic Network led by the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) on Climate and Health in Europe (Tuesday 11 January 2022, 15.00 … Health throughout the life course : Full list of events. This webinar aims to provide an overview on the extent of pollution from transport and the impacts on people’s health, especially in cities in Poland. The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. EU4Health will provide funding to eligible health organisations and NGOs from EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme. OTHER WEBINARS & VIDEOS American Academy of Pediatrics A Framework to Approach Racial Health Inequities during the COVID 19 Pandemic Watch Video American Medical Association Prioritizing Equity COVID-19 & Asian American & Pacific Islander Voices Watch Video Prioritizing Equity: Police Brutality and COVID-19 Watch Video Why COVID-19 is decimating … The faculty of veterinary medicine and the Dutch food and consumer product safety authority (NVWA) invite you to attend a webinar on the new animal health regulation (EU) 2016/429 on September 27 2021 from 12.30-13.30h.. REGULATION (EU) 2016/429 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and … The webinar will focus on the theme "Exploring the importance of public health". It is an annual initiative that began in 2019. delivered by a consortium of 8 European universities leading to an internationally recognized double Master's degree. Date and time: Friday 25 February 2022 – 09:30-12:30 CET. Dietitians play a key role in public health, as they promote a healthy lifestyle through better nutrition. We reviewed the steps of a risk assessment and templates that may be used to guide the process. The webinar is about rational for Europe doing more for health and actions towards the European Health Union. The second webinar, hosted by the European Public Health Alliance, will be held on January 18, and will zoom in on transparency on real costs. Content level: Intermediate About the Instructor: Claire Nana LMFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 15 years’ experience studying, writing about, and facilitating post-traumatic growth. European Commission … Public Health; Latest updates; EU Health Policy Platform webinar: Healthier together - EU Non-communicable Diseases Initiative (15 December 2021, 15.30-17.30 CET) News announcement 10 December 2021 Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety. In these past few weeks, oncology doctors and patients have grown accustomed to these virtual “Tele-Oncology” way of management and treatment. Europe leads the World according to main characteristic of public health, yet COVID-19 clearly indicated limited resilience of all European health systems. We heard a country-experience the challenges and lessons learnt in … The World Health Organization (WHO) invites to the first webinar of the Commercial Determinants of Health Webinar Series. Part of PHA’s mission is to provide industry leading education to its members, partners and constituents. More specifically, the goals of the webinar are to: • To better understand the challenges public health authorities … “Get Your Masters in Public Health” webinar will be hosted by the representatives of AUA Master of Public Health (MPH) program. It governs our social, political, and economic systems. Opening remarks. He previously worked at the Jagiellonian University and the National Institute of Public Health in Poland. At MHE, he focuses on transparency, prevention and health systems. Mental Health First Aid and Trauma-Informed Approaches for Libraries. The COVID-19 crisis has shown us all the importance of having access to vital health data to track the disease, share learnings and treat and vaccinate against the disease. Public Health DG SANTE is organising a half-day webinar to explore the outcome of the targeted consultation open until 28 August. About Conference: Global Scientific Guild is pleased to announce the 3rd Global Webinar on Public Health which will be held during April 08-10, 2022 as a live online event. Brief summary. Held on October 9, 2020, the IANPHI Europe webinar entitled 'Public Health and Climate Change Challenges: Mobilizing National Public Health Institutes into multi-sectoral alliances' was the first webinar of the virtual 2020 IANPHI Europe Meeting. You are invited to join us on Monday 25 October for the launch webinar. 'Adaptation Actions on Climate Change and Health through Public Health education and training' has been selected to become one of three 2021 Thematic Networks on the EU Health Policy Platform ! systems may offer significant new opportunities for health. Europubhealth is a 2-year master course in Public Health in Europe delivered by 6 renowned European universities leading to a recognized double degree Q&As Webinar for prospective students - Europubhealth - European Public Health Master In this webinar, we will have an update on the global circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants, virus biology and diagnostics performance; and hear about the processes used by WHO to list products … On the 6th of May at 6pm CET EMSA Public Health Pillar is bringing you the COVID-19 Vaccines 101 Webinar. Webinars. During these webinars our experts have discussed how infections get transmitted and how you can help to minimise infectious disease risk within your own operation. From January to April 2018, the European Commission organised a series of regional workshops and webinars to support the technical roll-out of the systems for tobacco traceability and security features. The webinars will be delivered as a series of 1-hour online sessions. In 2017, the European Commission identified public procurement as a strategic opportunity to prioritise environmental and health objectives by rewarding progressive food suppliers who operate sustainable activities and business models. a 2-year multidisciplinary Master course in public health. Webinar on Partnerships in Digital Skills Development. Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea. The HOSPEEM Webinar on “Partnerships in Digital Skills Development” took place online on 17 November 2021, gathering around 40 participants from across Europe, including employers’ organisations, EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders such as academia and healthcare professional organisations. 12th World Congress On Healthcare. 11th European Epidemiology & Public Health Congress. This webinar will examine the most effective ways for scientific evidence to inform policymakers and action, focusing air quality policies and actions on ... Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre European Commission Joint Research Centre. Ecolab's European webinar series has covered several public health issues including Influenza, Norovirus and Washroom Cleanliness. COVID-19 Vaccine Allocations Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel Public Health Entity Forums Vaccine Safety COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Tools. WCM-Q webinar series boosts understanding health challenges. Models for financing novel medicines to support innovation as a global public good u000b- Suerie Moon, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. The European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) is the first pan-European organisation and network to represent the interests of preterm and newborn infants and their families. ... ME Conferences standardize its warm welcome to 11th European Epidemiology and Public Health Congress which is a Webinar and it is going to be held during June 25, 2021. EVENT REPORT. The webinars are a collaboration between the Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation at WHO/Europe and 2 WHO collaborating centres, the Centre for Global Health Histories at the University of York and the … Join us for the webinar "Pricing policies for SAFER European Region and Americas", on Thursday, 18 November, from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (EST). PHA members participate via our PHA Member Showcase webinar series. (Details in this issue.) of webinar held on 11 May, 14.00-15.30 CET. an intercultural environment of study, in up to 3 languages: English, Spanish or French. The HOSPEEM Webinar on “Partnerships in Digital Skills Development” took place online on 17 November 2021, gathering around 40 participants from across Europe, including employers’ organisations, EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders such as academia and healthcare professional organisations. The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. A special thank you to our attendees, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors for making the 2021 Virtual Public Health Law Conference a success! The webinar is about the Manifesto for a European Health Union. Policy regulates everything. 24 March 2021. CDC is offering a series of brief (15-20 minute) webinars addressing topics around COVID-19 vaccination. 85% of public sector organisations would move more IT services to the cloud if there were dedicated cloud-hosting technologies available that could mirror their existing IT environment.. Now, thanks to our unique multi-cloud offering, you can. In fact, the region experiences the highest rates of mortality due to air pollution across Europe. Opening of applications for 2022 intake: 13. The European Journal of Public Health is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of public health, publishing contributions from social medicine, epidemiology, health services research, management, ethics and law, health economics, social sciences and environmental health. A collaborative approach involving public health specialists and expert groups is essential in responding to these public health challenges. The webinars aim to engage a broad audience of policy-makers, academics and the public in cultural and historical approaches to global health. The webinars aim to engage a broad audience of policy-makers, academics and the public in cultural and historical approaches to global health. Application and selection procedure for 2022 intake. Held on October 22, 2020, the IANPHI Europe Webinar entitled 'Balancing Investment for Wellbeing and Health Equity in the Context of COVID-19' is the second of three webinars of the virtual 2020 IANPHI Europe Meeting. Below is a list of the events, click here to return to the search page. Pandemic provides opportunities to deliver a collaborative approach to plan for health and wellbeing January 2022: 'How Are We Doing in Wales' public engagement survey results Coronavirus vaccine hesitancy linked to childhood trauma Public Health Wales improves surveillance of winter respiratory viruses by testing Coronavirus samples Housing warmth and … Webinar on Partnerships in Digital Skills Development. Applications must be submitted on https://emundus.izp.cm-uj.krakow.pl/, completely in English with all supporting documents uploaded. In addition, through its quality and research arm PHA identifies, researches, shares and encourages innovative approaches and best practice care delivery and reimbursement models. Report from the event. Recording of all webinars will be available soon after the webinar airs. This is mainly fuelled by the rising public awareness on the societal and environmental impacts of investments – in both the positive and the negative sense. May 2. He participated in the development of the European system of public health competences, as (at that time) a member of the Board of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER). The European Public Health Week (EUPHW) aims to raise awareness about public health and promote collaboration among the public health community in Europe. We work with many partners to host and publicize webinars that bring public health information to as many people as possible. Join us on Saturday, January 22, 2022, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm AMT (Armenian Time) (9:00 … Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, at the "Business Climate in Hong Kong" Chinese New Year webinar co-organised by the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, and the Hong Kong Trade … Contact: office@aspher.org. Global warming presents probably the most serious challenge to humankind that our species has ever had to address. The revision of the EU Common. The webinar will introduce the commercial determinants of health, explain why they matter for public health, and global health equity, and provide an introduction to action, which will then be explored further in subsequent webinars. About the webinars. Launch Webinar of ASPHER Climate and Health Competencies - Monday 25 October. Join us for the webinar "Pricing policies for SAFER European Region and Americas", on Thursday, 18 November, from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (EST). Recording - HPP webinar on European Cancer Inequalities Registry (08 February 2022) Avviż tal-aħbarijiet 10 Frar 2022 Direttorat Ä enerali għas-Saħħa u s-Sikurezza Alimentari. PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT 2022 brings along the world leaders publicly health, medical specialty and nutrition, and relevant fields to gift their analysis at this exclusive scientific program. Webinar 4: Digitalisation and third-party violence and harassment: challenges and risks. May 18, 2021. You are invited to join us on Monday 25 October from 14.00-14.45 CEST, to launch the ASPHER Climate and Health Competencies for Public Health Professionals in Europe. Video Recordings of the Sessions are Available Free to Attendees and for Purchase by Non-attendees. Policy regulates everything. 28 Apr 2020. 25 February 2022. WHO Public Health Laboratories knowledge sharing webinars - Laboratory Management Series (Part Three, Personnel Management) 27 October 2021 11:00 – 12:30 CET In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of people and how understanding various personality types can help improving team communication. 10 November 2021 11:00 – 12:30 CET. Browse or search thousand+ conferences, seminars, congresses, webinars in all EU policies. October 2021. The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies is launching a series of webinars which will draw lessons from country experiences, analysing how health systems can respond to the pandemic and what makes them more resilient to external shocks and crises. This webinar, organized jointly by PAHO and WHO-EURO, is part of the SAFER initiative efforts in the European Region and in the Region of the Americas and one of the activities during the first … Marcin Rodzinka is Advocacy & Policy Officer at Mental Health Europe, joined in 2018. A 2020 report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), estimates the size of the impact investing market between $505 billion and $2.1 trillion in managed assets. This webinar is presented by NCD group of the School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University collaborating with Martin-Luther-University Germany, The Ethiopian NCD Alliance, THET partnerships for Global Health UK, University- and Hospital-partnerships GIZ Germany, hosted by the European ESTHER Alliance & IGHN. This webinar explored: through our first Webinar, the topic of which was ‘OSINT in Europe,’ presented by the CII member Paddy Beiner. November 2021 EFSA’s scientific opinion on the re-evaluation of the risks to public health related to the presence of bisphenol A (BPA) in foodstuffs is endorsed by the CEP Panel.. 2019 Prior to being applied to the new BPA re‐evaluation, the study appraisal methodology described in the 2017 BPA hazard assessment protocol was tested on a selection of studies. Format The webinar facilitated a high-level discussion on public health and climate change challenges between … Moderated by Prof. Mark A. Bellis, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Wellbeing at Public … The webinar was the second of three sessions of the virtual 2020 IANPHI European Meeting. Thematic Webinar led by ASPHER on Climate and Health in Europe, Tuesday 11 January 2022, 15.00 - 16.45 CET 10 Jan 2022 This webinar is open to the public, registration required. This webinar is organised by the PHA4GE Secretariat in partnership with the European Nucleotide Archive and the PHA4GE Pipelines and Visualization Working Group. "Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time" Conference series invites you to become a part of the “10 th World Congress on Public Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology ” (Public Health 2022) scheduled on June 24-25, 2022 London, UK With the main theme “Serving the Information Needs of the Health Research in the Present … October 23, 2020. The webinar is the fourth of a series of events as part of our joint project with EPSU, CEMR, CESI, ETUCE, EUPAE, ETF, UITP, and ETNO on the role of social partners in preventing third-party violence and harassment at work. We have missed our CII family and opportunities to network The ESMO Public Policy Webinar series aims to provide timely information on important topics in European and global public health policy. Thank you for your patience, loyalty and support as we continue to weather this global public health crisis. Latest updates. 20 January 2022, 14:00-15:30 CET. Amsterdam, Netherlands [email protected] May 27-28, 2022. May 18, 2021. DigitalHealthEurope organised a webinar for public authorities to discuss the challenges and best practises they face when they plan and secure European funding and exchange knowledge to advance their digital health and care systems. Sickness benefits are an essential component of social health protection, promoting the human rights to health and social security. Whilst the European Commission published their Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for food and catering … European Journal of Public Health. Webinar series (16, 17, and 23 April) Summary record; Presentation (webinar for economic operators) Presentation (webinar for solution providers) The event is open to the school community. 11th European Epidemiology & Public Health Congress. In 2017, the European Commission identified public procurement as a strategic opportunity to prioritise environmental and health objectives by rewarding progressive food suppliers who operate sustainable activities and business models. Webinar series on affordability – join us on 11 th, 18 th and 25 th January!. In 2017, the European Commission identified public procurement as a strategic opportunity to prioritise environmental and health objectives by rewarding progressive food suppliers who operate sustainable activities and business models. You don't want to miss the opportunity to learn from experts what you need to know to advocate for vaccination! 0:26. The European Public Health Alliance has received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). Recording coming soon. Public Health. Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 10:00−11:30 (UTC/GMT+1 or CET) Languages: Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish (Simultaneous interpretation available using the Zoom App only). You don't want to miss the opportunity to learn from experts what you need to know to advocate for vaccination! When: 25 Oct 2021. The impacts of the COVID pandemic have been devastating and there are numerous efforts by state legislatures nationwide […] Organiser: ASPHER. 0:26. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) kindly invite you to join a webinar on West Nile virus and Usutu virus infections among humans and animals, with a focus on the situation in the European Union. The webinars are a collaboration between the Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation at WHO/Europe and 2 WHO collaborating centres, the Centre for Global Health Histories at the University of York and the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health at the University of Exeter. The ESMO Public Policy Webinar series aims to provide timely information on important topics in European and global public health policy. The DigitalHealthEurope project is organising a webinar for public authorities to discuss the challenges and best practices they face when they plan and secure European funding and exchange knowledge to advance their digital health and care systems. The webinar is presented as part of WHO/Europe’s programme on migration and health and the Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration initiative. Concerned Europeans (citizens, patients, health workers, academics, journalists, artists, organizations) should work hard for the European Health Union. It governs our social, political, and economic systems. This webinar, organized jointly by PAHO and WHO-EURO, is part of the SAFER initiative efforts in the European Region and in the Region of the Americas and one of the activities during the first … An international perspective on the use of a public mental health approach to contribute to community recovery and a meaningful peace process Date: 11-09-2020 Time: 13.00-14.00 CET followed by an extra 30 minutes for questions Free access webinar for our CARe Network members Description: The history of mental health services has tended to focus on … 2nd Webinar On Dentistry. This event has passed. Rehost legacy applications using known and familiar technologies or build new, digital services from the ground … Whilst the European Commission published their Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for food and catering services, and vending … The European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) will host its latest webinar on Thursday 13 January 2022 (3pm CET) in partnership with the EAPC Task Force on Last Aid and Public Palliative Care Education.. Georg Bollig, Marius Ciurlionis and Boris Knopf, who chair the task force, extend a warm welcome to everyone and provide an update on the work of the … Signup to add yours. This webinar, organised as part of the European Public Health Week 2020, will explore how health organisations can make use of these opportunities and add a stronger public health dimension to national food and agricultural policies. Whilst the European Commission published their Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for food and catering services, and vending … 16 September, 5-6.30 p, CEST. ... ME Conferences standardize its warm welcome to 11th European Epidemiology and Public Health Congress which is a Webinar and it is going to be held during June 25, 2021. View the archive. Finally, the last webinar, hosted by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists on January 25, will tackle the issue of affordability from the procurement angle. The webinar will focus on the theme "Exploring the importance of public health". On the 6th of May at 6pm CET EMSA Public Health Pillar is bringing you the COVID-19 Vaccines 101 Webinar. Agricultural Policy, and the ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy for sustainable food. To re-watch any of our webinars please select from the below. Webinar [email protected] February 24-24, 2022. Marin To Hold School Webinar Amid Omicron Surge - San Rafael, CA - The Public Health Update for the School Community will be held virtually on Thursday. The webinar is organised by experts from the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie and the Padova University Hospital, Italy. The webinar: “Variants, vaccines and medications: What journalists need to know to improve COVID-19 coverage” will be held on Thursday, Jan. 27, from 4 to 7 p.m. Central European Time (CET) (from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. U.S. Central Time (GMT -6)). Part of European Public Health Week 2020. February 17-18, 2022. Ambient air pollution continues to be a major public health risk in Southeast Europe, leading to increased hospitalizations and premature death. Summary: With this webinar, we will give a glimpse of the European public health dietitians best practices and also organize an active debate to discuss participants inputs to our proposals for a framework of advanced competences, as performance indicators will be soon updated by EFAD and further improve the description on how Public Health Dietitians … Published: 30 Jan 2022 - 08:53 am | Last Updated: 30 Jan 2022 - 08:55 am May 2. It will take place on Thursday, 16 December 2021 … The consultation seeked feedback from … The second webinar, hosted by the European Public Health Alliance, will be held on January 18, and will zoom in on transparency on real costs. 4:00pm. Digital WebEx Webinar . The webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on the priorities, strategic orientations and the needs to be addressed through the EU4Health annual work programmes, in particular the 2022 EU4Health Work Programme and … About Conference: Global Scientific Guild is pleased to announce the 3rd Global Webinar on Public Health which will be held during April 08-10, 2022 as a live online event. ... 5th european Conference On Public Health, Well-being And Healthcare Management. European Public Health WEEK 16-20 May 2022. The right cloud for every platform. This webinar explores how the principles of trauma-informed care and Mental Health First Aid can equip staff with the knowledge and confidence to communicate with compassion. During the webinar, you will learn about the AUA MPH program, the admissions process, application requirements, as well as financial aid opportunities.