This is a wrong perception It is the indifference on the part of citizens of any state as regards their attitudes towards political activities such as elections, public opinions, and civic responsibilities. It may cause or be a result of dictatorship, political repression and political alienation, or derive from a high standard of living or the effects of corruption in blocking political participation. The participation of American youths in the elections suggests that problem of political apathy among youths is present in America. Voter apathy is a problem well known to Europe and Nigeria, but with different root causes. Political apathy is expressed and measured by degree of phobia and non-participation in political activities in a country. Departments of Political Science and Public Administration, Universiteit Leiden. Thus political apathy is the first of a set of three blogs about politics. I. According to North American Review, lack of participation can lead to "political ills" such as corruption and dishonesty among politicians as they are not held accountable. The mean age was 24.89, SD=1.70. Political apathy is therefore absence of interest in, or Causes of Apathy. It can consist of interest apathy, voter apathy, and information apathy. Answer (1 of 8): One. In political science, political apathy is a lack of interest or apathy towards politics. During my political activities I meet many people and I have been struck by the apathy displayed by a substantial number of them towards Maltese politics. Causes of Political Apathy The following points below are the causes of political apathy Bad Governance: The government of Nigeria for instance rules in a bad and carefree manner, their act does not motivate people thereby making people to ignore and nonchalant to political activities. What is political apathy in government? Political apathy, if left uncontrolled, can bring about stagnation to the development of a nation. The study on electoral violence and political apathy in Nigeria will be of immense benefit to the entire kebbe local government. It can be categorized as the indifference of an individual and a lack of interest in participating in political activities. Different instruments therefore apply in trying It means lack of feeling, emotion, interest or concern about something of great importance (Wikipedia, 2019a). Voter apathy refers to a lack of interest in participating in elections by certain groups of voters. Myopism 5. Congressman B serves only lobbyists. Political apathy is an ideology characterized by a general sense of indifference towards politics as well as a lack of involvement in the political process. It is the indifference of an individual to In the study on which this article is based, the author found social restraints, feelings of futility, and the absence of spurs to action all tended to inhibit participation In the democratic process. Causes of political apathy There can be many reasons why people have a disinterest towards politics and governance. not wanting to have any share in political activities. Voter Apathy. Political apathy can lead to a loss of democracy and respondents mentioned it can also have social and psychological damage due to lack of personal political interaction. Lack of Education: Lack of education breeds ignorance. Conditions that can involve apathy. Given their large numbers, when young people vote, they can decide elections . The apparent increase in the level of people refusing to participate in the democratic process in the country is affecting the body politics as well as the democratic institution of the coun try. Scandals hit the news daily. Some of the dangers of political aparthy includes: * Political aparthy makes it easier to right an election. The Citizens United decision has rendered dollars in pockets more important than boots on the ground, a resource that young volunteers could provide en masse. Belief that vote does not count. The term is used to describe a political process by which all citizens and the nation have a direct involvement in the creation of running a country and creating the policies within it. Leaders can't do it alone, they need us, we bring them into power by the help of politics, so also we should use that same politics . When a patient presents with symptoms of apathy, a medical provider will look for an underlying cause of the apathy. It's been noted ( J. Ishizaki & M. Mimura, 2011) that apathy can occur in such disorders as "schizophrenia, stroke, Parkinson . What are the Causes of Political Apathy There are so many factors that can cause the indifference of the citizens to the democratic processes. Voters take note of these transgressions and of others within the political environment. Another major cause of voter apathy is a lack of interest in the political process. It may cause or be a result of dictatorship, political repression and political alienation, or derive from a high standard of living or the effects of corruption in blocking political participation. But here, we have listed major reasons for political apathy in Nigeria; *Rigging of Elections: This is a major reason for the growing political apathy in Nigeria. The Dangers of Political Apathy. Political apathy or lack of participation in politics, may lead to anarchy, fanaticism, and political, social or national disintegration. It can consist of interest apathy, voter apathy, and information apathy. 5. Political Apathy has to do with a people's lack of interest in the political affairs of the nation. * It brings about lack of accountability on the path of th. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples One of the underlying principles that have been observed to combating voter's apathy in the country, to increase voter turnout and strengthen the Nigerian democracy. Political apathy is thus present in the United States. But the major cause of such high voter apathy is that most politicians don't perform to the expectations of the electorate. Selfishness 2. We examine five causes of voter apathy in the UK. What are the Causes of Political Apathy There are so many factors that can cause the indifference of the citizens to the democratic processes. It can be categorized as the indifference of an individual and a lack of interest in participating in political activities For example, politicians, elections, public opinions, civic responsibility, etc. He's a recent MA graduate from the University of Chicago, and an associate contributor . This is one of the reasons for political apathy in most countries. Political apathy is a lack of interest by citizens of a state towards its socio-political affairs. For all its impressive empirical support, how-ever, the "income-education-apathy thesis" may have a potentially fatal flaw: It assumes that people fail to participate in politics chiefly be-cause they do not think it is worth the time or Given the low numbers of voters participating in recent elections, the case for not making a difference is at . Political apathy is the indifference on the part of any citizen of any country with regard to their attitude towards political activities. Abstract. The most obvious cause of voter apathy is mass misinformation by the media. This essay presents the theoretical explanations of voter apathy and then reviews the literature on the causes behind the increasing voter abstention . 303-04; Lester Milbrath, Political Participation (Chi-cago: Rand-McNally Co., 1965). The study will explore electoral violence and how it affects political apathy in Nigeria. Causes of Political Apathy 1. Yet while a polarized electorate can result in anger and arguments, there is a much bigger threat to our democracy: political apathy. The widespread political apathy in America has caused much concern among politicians and social scientists. Indiscipline 4. A problem with areas in the front of your brain that control your emotions, goals, and behavior can cause apathy. around apathy, such as what the causes of political apathy amongst young people in post- apartheid South Africa are and whether it matters if young people are involved in politics or not. CAUSES OF POLITICAL APATHY Causes of political apathy can be many reasons why people have a disinterest towards politic and governance. Two. Another major cause of voter apathy is a lack of interest in the political process. There are several reasons why younger people tend to be underrepresented at the polls. It's one of the main . Those of us on the political left have a lot to learn from examples like these, and seeing community engagement and mobilization as a virtue, not a vice, is a great place to start. 3.2Political Participation of American . Causes Of Political Apathy And The Way Out by abuaslam: 11:45am On Nov 02, 2020. Voter apathy or lack of interest is often cited as a cause of low turnout among eligible voters in jurisdictions where voting is optional and the donkey vote where voting is compulsory. After 50 years of political independence, out of about 14million people, only 1million are reported to be in formal employment; and about 6million people are reported to be earning their living in informal sector. Apathy is a state of indifference, suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation or passion. It is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, or passion.An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical, virtual, or physical life and the world. Political apathy can be due to a variety of reasons, including limiting political participation directly through discriminatory policies or indirectly through slow, inefficient or non-representative bureaucracies. Here's to apathy. Evidently it can be argued that political apathy is a serious threat to democracy directly. On the flip side of political hobbyism, where people genuinely believe they are deeply involved in politics, political apathy is the neglect and ambivalence to politics. in conclusion the cause of this lack of participation, in politics below the level of the presidential election, is the restricted campaigning of the politicians and as a result the minute amount of media attention it receives.funding has been deemed important hence the lifting of the 1971 federal election campaign act in the early 2000s that had … According the National Journal: Heartland Monitor Poll, just 1% of American people frequently participate in politics on some level. During the 14th General Election (GE14) in 2018, those aged between 21 and 39 made up 41% of the 14.9 million . Apathy may not always have a clear-cut cause, but it can happen as a symptom of many different neurological and psychiatric conditions. This trend has lasted since the It can consist of interest apathy, voter apathy, and information apathy. It can be categorized as the indifference of an individual and a lack of interest in participating in political activities. The hypothesis showed no significant difference in the causes of political apathy as perceived by male and female secondary school teachers. According the National Journal: Heartland Monitor Poll, just 1% of American people frequently participate in politics on some level. More accurately, these blogs try to understand politics with some help from science. The same journal also states . explain extensively on 5 causes of political apathy in Nigeria? Political apathy as represented through non-voting would seem to have created a crisis of legitimacy. Political apathy, if left uncontrolled, can bring about stagnation to the development of a nation. It can consist of interest apathy, voter apathy, and information apathy.It can be categorized as the indifference of an individual and a lack of interest in participating in political activities. Five Studies on the Causes and Consequences of Voter Turnout A dissertation presented by Anthony George Fowler to The Department of Government in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Political Science Harvard University Cambridge, MA March 2013 Alienation is defined as, "this refers to the sense that voters feel like the political system does not work for them and any attempt to influence it will be a fruitless exercise." This could be due to many factors. POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT : one of the dimensions of fighting apathy is engaging in politics which involves the willingness and the capability of citizens to participate effectively in self rule. June 10, 2018. It's often one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and . Political apathy is a denial of political education; Political apathy leads to corruption; Political apathy is the path to imbalance of power which may lead to revolutions and civil wars; Political apathy allows a government to be carefree in their activities. Effects Of Leaders Failure To Protect Their Followers 1. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. However, to concentrate on electoral participation as the only measure of a healthy democracy is to ignore the many other measurements which characterise a democratic state, such as access to free elections, freedom of speech, or the . Post an Answer. The gender mean was 1.46 and occupation mean was 1.80. I believe that apathy can be destructive for a nation that prides . political promises, victimization of political opponents, religious constraint, illiteracy and ignorance are causes of voting apathy among electorates in the study area. There are two primary causes for voter apathy: alienation and voter fatigue. There are many reasons why people engage themselves into political apathy, below are some of the most common: PERCEPTION OF POLITICS AS A DIRTY GAME Many citizens have that wrong perception of politics being a bad game and hence not meant for good people but rather people of bad character. Bad leadership are manifested in the following reasons: 1. Political apathy: Political apathy is a feeling of disinterest in the sense of politics or apathy towards politics. . Political Apathy is today's topic. Many people do not see that their vote can possibly make a difference in their personal lives. consequences of political apathy ranges from electoral violence to fraud, lack of transparency from the independent umpire and distrust of government are some identified causes for voter apathy (Ajibola, Adewole, Jimoh and Oladipo, 2013, Filno 2010). This apathy will eventually lead to stagnation and death of our nation. In a country where majority of the citizens are illiterates due to bad system, expensive education or poverty, the citizens are more likely to have political apathy. Candidates are not always represented as they really are because the media is biased. Political apathy is the deficiency of love and devotion to a state. This is a major reason for the growing political apathy in Nigeria. Effects Of Leaders Failure To Protect Their Followers 1. For me, it naturally leads into Political Morality, which in turn engenders Political Loyalty. Lack Of Political/leadership Will. Just as we need good leaders for a country to progress, so also their is high need for patriotic and good citizens for that reason. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government and electoral bodies should employ different approaches to enlighten the citizens on the danger of political apathy and the need for . It can lead to more problems for the government and the masses. Political Apathy: Amount every other cause, inability of the leaders to protect the interest of their followers causes political apathy. In political science, political apathy is a lack of interest or apathy towards politics. Political apathy is the indifference on the part of any citizen of any country with regard to their attitude towards political activities. 23 Interrogating the Causes of Industrial Apathy in Gombe, North East Nigeria Misbahu Sa'idu1, Aminu Bakari Buba2, Ahmed Usman3 1,2Department of History & Diplomatic Studies, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria 3Department of Political Science, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria, Political apathy is defined as the lack of interest in taking active part in matters of politics either by voting or being voted for or having no share in political activities. The study seeks to appraise the effect and causes of political apathy in Nigeria; A case study of 2019 election. Main causes of political apathy. As youths are uninterested in voting, there is a lack of political participation as they choose to abstain from voting. But it is a problem and one that needs to be dealt with, with urgency. There is concern especially that political apathy among the youth in Malaysia is high. Reasons people don't vote: lack of interest. Where Apathy Comes From—and What It Looks Like in (In)action. Introduction All over the world, democracy has been projected to be the best form of government owing to the fact that it promotes all-inclusiveness in the way and manner government business is carried out. President C cheats on his wife. One . Disadvantages of political apathy. COMMITMENT TO FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES : another is the way you are committed to work with government of the country, the way you want to put your self . While elections are an occasion for people to have a say in how they are governed and who will hold political power, voter apathy is a growing concern, especially among young people. What is political apathy? Greed 3. Causes and Consequences of Political Instability. Apathy By MORRIS ROSENBERG The widespread political apathy in America has caused much concern among politicians and social scientists. Political apathy is the sheer indifference of the average citizen towards what happens in the political system. In India political elections are held for Parliament, Assemblies, Corporations, Municipalities, and three tiers of Panchayati raj and any number of by-elections to fill up vacancies. In the study on which this article is based, the author found social restraints, feelings of futility, and the absence of spurs to action all tended to inhibit participation in the democratic process. The study investigates the causes of voters' apathy .Questionnaires were distributed to 1,120 respondents. Political apathy means lack of interest in political activities of a country. Civics education makes politics seem boring. Panel Number: 74 Panel Chair(s) Bernard Steunenberg. University of Essex. Political Apathy. Political apathy is the sheer indifference of the average citizen towards what happens in the political system.