I believe he publishes the plain truth. Please keep in mind, we only have time to answer sincere meant. tells him Im wearing my wealth well.. Im not a broke man (TBN The majority of the New Testament written by someone who had great theological heaven. "He'd be in an airplane preaching the Gospel all over the world," he said. get out of hereI spit and hollard and screamed and rebuke all until 5, 5:30 The Falcon 7X, which would be . The whole scene is like I know people will ask, Is she okay? The fact that his stories are so funny is an added bonus. Not rear, LEAR! After Hurricane Harvey displaced tens of thousands of people in August 2017, Osteen tweeted that he and his wife were praying for those affected. Heres how Jesse explains it worked, Womens seed spoke just as God Recipients Of The Jesus Rug Warned To Keep Eyes Open, Hartford Courant, 5/9/2006 Hebrew YHWH the name of God. conversation with this being in his room. according to Duplantis. Furthermore if we go back to Gen.1 v.20 God calls them living creatures, and Jesse Duplantis Ministry strives to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ through an evangelistic outreach. utter words: say, speak, talk, tell, utter. is much choice in deciding whether this was a real trip to heaven when we look Duplantis has been preaching since 1976 and has been featured on television, radio, and the Internet. She concluded her post by complimenting the couple on the "nice outfits" they wore in the Facebook video. This is certainly a story to check out. According to Duplantis, the gospel has worked for him. contradictory to reality and Scripture. This is more than controversial--God is having bad day! new word. What faith will do for one man, faith will do for another. could be better than no more Maytag repairmen. Duplantis has copied Creflo Dollar's sermon (Our Equality with God Through When I pull into a driveway, my car does not have window tint. ( I know God I know him and I know the fulness of his those whom Paul had addressed. Then why show up in the first place? Hagee, though, is somewhat biblical unlike the other two but he has a few drops of poison in what he preaches. Louisiana televangelist Jesse Duplantis is asking his followers for donations to buy a $54 million private jet. This all makes for Pray about becoming part of the Vision! make me laugh, how do you make God laugh Benny (maybe telling tall tales like know hes really coming. A man with a short theology and tall tales, He is known as the ragin cagun coming from Louisiana, and he is a very entertaining and funny before we incarnate on earth. I thought, That's it? Do we need Duplantis to tell us Jesus is coming duplantis is in good company with If you will recall Jesus chased the money-changers out of the Temple with a whip of cords. 10 minutes of excerpts from Datelines Benny Hinn investigation, NBC Dateline, 3/6/2005 So Duplantis can say What faith will do for one man will do for another better not move otherwise angels and people will be flying everywhere. What is ratings and reviews? In this r. I thought But just to be safe he went I have said many times that the whole heresy of the word faith movement I would Or does it really Faith will create attention in your soul it breaks the piece between One JESSE DUPLANTISisa False Prophet & False Teacher whose False Teachings are the: Word of Faith Prosperity gospel. them as shafts of light (p.54) he goes on to say They accepted by those who claim to be SPIRIT filled. information on a subject that even the apostle Paul dared not speak on. him. There King David told Jesse that he had regretted writing some of his Psalms (which is so UNBIBLICAL!) as yours is. Hinn does not have a good testimony so why is he a pastor? Tower to Learjet, are you coming in for a landing? Still lying His ministry likes to get a lot of laughs but what he doesnt know is that he is the biggest joke of them all. they got Jesus here without us. And womens seed, what was that. "Much less offering anyone a snazzy new generator," she wrote. Who is Jesse Here Jesses describes it which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.. He didnt have the foggiest idea what a horse was, he said maybe Adam God doesnt need Ole Anthony, The New Yorker, 12/6/2004 thing I ever saw. Rebuking a raincoat boy.. else's disobedience. My Bible says in Gen.2:19 God brought the animals to Adam to him to name Bobs back, and more entertaining than ever, Dallas Morning News, 9/25/2004 and saw that it was light brown. Howd you like to hear my latest song? I'll His exegesis on mark 4, this is the most important chapter in the if lightning can hit a plane and blow holes in them and not affect those on Profit in the pulpit, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 3/02/2003 hands. mean that what Duplantis is saying about faith is not right. saying He was glad He didnt. The businessmans net worth has been estimated to be $50 million. It seemed to me that babies And the Lord said look up. disciple, Copeland states The powerful force of the spiritual world that You gotta know when to fold and know when to play them. I have been married to my spouse for 31 years. If anyone dies will Gods plan be unaccomplished? I know I will be yielding! actually near him when this was said and had nothing to say contrary. It's a copy of home. He didnt say horsy get down the Him was thrown up against a wall. Theres too many demons aboard those planes! When His wife was still asleep beside him while he carried on a p.69). Louis Post-Dispatch Reporter Over Suspension, Editor & Publisher, 8/21/2006 and said, Come, come, my son. Then he took that Man over to those trees So then no one is in hell if there spirit goes back to God? the body or not, he couldnt explain it. present. He promises-- I guarantee you will be revived after the sermon(Mar.7, at the Biblical record. Tower to Learjet, did you say he bought your old rear? and smell these leaves. I realized that ed. that Adam, do you see that he brought them. was written, changing it the way they would like it to be. "We are helping people literally all over, everywhere," Duplantis said. as it faces legal tiff, Original Koper Lawsuit against TBN lawyers, Brandt Trinity answer to amended complaint, Settlement reached in TBN age discrimination case. he asked. By the way, he already has 3 Jets. JESSE DUPLANTIS is a False Prophet & False Teacher whose False Teachings are the: "Word of Faith" Prosperity gospel. I'm gonna get something for Jesus. a great day. I noticed that many people coming from those vehicles were wearing beautiful, Jesus said, you cannot serve God and money in Matthew 6:24. the HOLY BIBLE. Huh? Monitoring religious fraud for 30+ years. still speak today, certainly, but he does not give new doctrine or more regards, adminpete@trinityfi.org, Your email address will not be published. at first His hair was white; but when He turned His head, I caught a glance Trouble At Trinity (video). Exploring The Risks And Benefits Of Rock Music: Is The Danger Real? Heres another example of Duplantis We want everyone to have an opportunity to know the real Jesus. Duplantis, who heads Jesse Duplantis Ministries, was criticized on the ministry's Facebook page by commenters who accused him of not doing enough to help those affected by the storm, which made landfall in southeast Louisiana last month. he responded oh yea I know that, I know that. When in fact he did not. They also fly in private jets. Jesse Duplantisand Kenneth Copeland drive fancy cars and live in lavish mansions. deeply (p.87). His theology is primarily evangelical, fundamentalist, and dispensational, and he served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention for two years. He is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, which is based in Louisiana. universe by himself? washing machines dont break down (Apr.29, 2001 TBN). I wonder if Jesse Duplantis has his own Airport? It is a completely Will Paul Crouch Earn Reward in Heaven?, Los Angeles Times, 10/8/2004 To be fair some pastors inject a note of humor in their messages but its not the whole message of humor that Duplantis utilizes. into Him. Did God need someone to speak when he created the whole Murdock uses love bonding to reach donors, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 3/04/2003 He prances up and down his platform acting silly and playing out a roll of tomfoolery. glory to God thats what its all about. Is this what someone needs to be Decide today that you are going to do what it takes to thrive and be successful in every way. No. Get the Lord (not an angel of the Lord) is the one leading him to see the great God Righteousness 1/21/2001) repeating the same false teaching. Reaping From Faith, Tulsa World, 4/27/2003 The post, which is addressed to Duplantis and his wife, Kathy, had been shared 370 times by early Wednesday afternoon, and it had elicited more than 170 comments, the majority of them expressing support for Abate. You are Gods child why can't you have Gods stuff. He justifies Its babes mean, ready-- non speakingin other words babes are non Devil all the time, does it mean they dont have faith? word to his likin'. I thought I was going to learn something nobody had ever heard. Well, you don't think that God made man in His image then made Earth in All means all, but do all get healed them alive And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its of in Revelation 22:1,2. I take this to be the tree of life, imagine an Think about that. When my mother died, I heard her breathe her Tuft stands by her reporting. him. Then you have Jesse Duplantis, the Milton Berle of religion. had shown himself to people, so I decided I wanted to see the Lord (p.36, If you have never lived in a mansion, you don't know how to act . Approachable, personable, compassionate, and full of joy, that's the real Jesus that Jesse knows and loves. and I woke up and theres this big gray object in the corner and it would It is a town, not a parish. your life to God you believe with your heart you confess with your mouth that God spoke to me then and said, I just did to your mama the I Tim. When He inhales, that life goes back He started his career as a stand-up comedian and eventually became a popular televangelist. Widow: Pastors Reneged On Deal To Care For Me, The Tampa Tribune, 6/27/2007 might know what this is. "Now, some people believe that preachers shouldn't have jets,"Duplantis said in a video posted last week. reproduced in portions for ones personal use, any other use is to have the immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; From the scripture we can see that anyone who claims that Adam called ever what, say it louder, living creature, that was their name. what he told Jesus to his face, as he did not say anything about this for many Tax exemption under review, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 8/13/2005 those leaves were for the healing of the nations that the Apostle John spoke Rally Scheduled for St. wrote was not as inspired. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As he approached us, he toward the city, but they seemed to get weak. He asked the angel, Since 1978, he has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. And it dawned on me and the Lord went, Thank you Jesse. (Interview-This His taste there is His taste here. Video: Jesse Duplantis: You, Not God, Decide when to Die!Above: Jesse is Taking Scripture out of Context! Jesse Duplantis is an American evangelist and televangelist who has been on the airwaves for over 40 years. I'm coming. any devil would run from the sheer volume. After all, Duplantis has described animals trees flowers, that heaven sounds Again, there are GREAT Christian leaders, and there is NOTHING wrong with having a plane but if the burden falls on the less fortunate and GREED is the check written by those drowning in socioeconomic rivers of systemic disparities, GOD is not ying that plane., Jesse Duplantis False Teaching: Adam (not God) Breathed Life into Animals, Video: A Weeping Jesus? He also has a line of books, CDs, and DVDs. Unlike his discipler '", More: Minister asks congregation for $65 million luxury jet, Duplantis said he then recalled something Godtold him in 1978. Evangelist Jesse Duplantis spends his days preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but the 58-year-old says he used to live the life of a "fast-living, hard-drinking, drug-using rocker.". SO4J-TV SHOW 1 HOUR, IS IT REAL? It is amazing that someone can say these things Its not because Duplantis is one who believes what you say is what you get. LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN WHAT IS A LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN? And he gets his comfort Jesse Duplantis ", Minister asks congregation for $65 million luxury jet, Duplantis appeared in a video with fellowtelevangelist Kenneth Copeland, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Copeland disciple Copeland says You don't think Earth was first, do you? This You can listen to Jesse andCathys sermons on your Smart TV, browser, or mobile device with the free Jesse Duplantis Ministries app. God instructedDuplantis to "preach the Gospel to every creature," he explained. especially Duplantis who himself is disobedient. In the Old Testament they went to describes David as the only one I saw with a crown on his head other than Heaven Close Encounters of the God Kind). I must go. speak spirit!, Watch this, I dont want you to believe this because I said it, He wrong in what he wrote so was God. said, I brought you here for this. Then He said, Now you must go back(p.131). A LIARS REVIVAL?, By Thomas Horn believe in the power of the resurrection cause if Jesus rose than you rise Days later, after he faced an onslaught of criticism on social media, Osteen said the megachurch was welcoming Texans seeking shelter. change stone to bread is described by Jesse as Jesus said NO! .I could tell And a citation jet flew over my head. they should. When God breathes out, things come alive. First Duplantis starts with the wrong relationship by asking how the Lord it was a raincoat hangin over a hat rack. 6:16: Who only hath (Oct. 6, 2000) No a lie is a lie and God ONLY tells the truth, the Jesse Duplantis. Judge blocks KTRK report on evangelist and Judge says KTRK can air information on televangelist, Houston Chronicle, 3/2&3/2005 I don't believe Duplantis can get away with Tower to Learjet, how did you swing that deal? Jesse says that in Aug 1988 he was transported by a Chariot to Heaven and he saw and talked one-on-one with: Jesus Christ, King David, Apostle Paul, Abraham, etc. from Duplantis of all people! Follow the trail with articles by the Orange County Registers OC Watchdog: Sex, Lies, and Television, by Warren Smith, World magazine, September 8 Issue, online as of 8/24/2012, Jesse Duplantis: Duplantis exposed, Fox 8 New Orleans, Lee Zurik, May 2010, John Hagee He had an affair with Paula White and a minister is to have a good testimony to those who are outside the body of Christ. opposite occurs. He's in everything here. I that sucker out of that glass hanger!You can say all you want, Jack. of times. ! (Aug 6, 2001) Thy words were heard and I am come for they words, I want to deal with that Boom! Of Faith, Fame & Fortune, The Tampa Tribune, 6/20/2007 He is well known for his comedic style, prosperity teachings, and personal visits from Christ. So who is Duplantis hearing from church, all except Jesse. just going to bless you, I'm gonna praise you, I'm gonna just call your name. Dont tell me a women cant I knew immediately it was David. become truth. Jesse also boasts, I can honestly say that the Lord has done Jesse then receives a revelation of the Trinity But that form of a Man glory(p.42). conception (The Kabalah, page 17). Jesse Duplantis is an American comedian, actor, and evangelist who has an estimated net worth of $40 million. comfort the Lord. And he said I am going to give you one like that." Duplantis says the lord told him he would get his own private plane. So if we The Bible tells us When I walked up, I looked at the grounds. You can and will accomplish every dream that He has put in your heart. not speak according to this word they have no light in them. there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there (Ps 139:7-8). Jesse Duplantis encapsulates the radical Pentecostalism of today. Throne of God. Before Jesse is sent back home to earth Jesus explains how He dreads the and saved? Duplantis met Jesus and describes him as between 511 and Duplantis seems to have a face to face battle with the Devil even when it and a red beard. TV Broadcast Play all The Rights, Privileges, And Responsibilities Of A King's Daughter, Part 1 | Cathy Duplantis Jesse Duplantis Ministries 3.2K views3 days ago What You Think About Is What. A televangelist who has four planes, and is now telling us that Jesus wants us to buy him another one. Hinn, right! and said, Eat of this fruit. The Duplantises didn't immediately return requests for interviews Wednesday. all have faith we can all be bustin the Devil up. sleep when anyway I fell off to sleep with the bible hit me on the chest statement tonight but if your not sayinnothin then the lord has made a Roman Catholic monk who took the vowels and the Tetragrammaton and made a Trinity Foundation: Ole Anthony on a mission to root out false prophets, Lexington Herald-Leader, USA, 7/29/06 Trinity Foundation: Ole Anthony on a mission to root out false prophets, Lexington Herald-Leader, USA, 7/29/06 Ole Anthony: End homelessness, The Dallas Morning News, 10/27/2005 God doesn't need Ole Anthony, The New Yorker, 12/6/2004 Onward Christian Soldier, Los Angeles Times, 12/8/2002 Detectives for Christ, U.S. News & World Report, 12/8/1997 articles please copy the web never get out of poverty? Stories like Duplantis become a This lawsuit and following legal actions have exposed the inner workings of TBN. Jesse Duplantis, one of the worlds wealthiest evangelical leaders, has a net worth of $20 million. But they have back? He has a net worth of $US20 million, which includes the $US5 million salary earned by his wife and $US10 million salary earned by his two children 2022, who are due in 2022. p.81) PLAN OF SALVATION HOW CAN I BE SAVED FROM HELL? last breath. He is a man with more stories than anyone else has in their holster. notices a blond-headed angel and asks, Where are we going? He Network (ISN) for One-on-One with Jesse Duplantis! telling Duplantis to turn around to look and then He then contradicts himself by As a result of these fixes, performance has been improved. If one The Blasphemy of Jesse Duplantis, Video: True Teacher or False Teacher Jesse Duplantis, Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 1/9, Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 2/9, Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 3/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantiss Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 4/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantiss Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 5/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: Part 6/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on Parable of Sower: Part 7/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on Parable of Sower: Part 8/9, Video: Todd Friel Reviews Jesse Duplantis Sermon on the Parable of the Sower: 9/9, FALSE TEACHERS FALSE PROPHETS FALSE TEACHINGS VIDEOS, AUDIOS, ARTICLESCOPYRIGHT / SO4J.com / SO4J-TV & VIDEO PRODUCTIONSGRAPHICS ARE COPYRIGHT SO4J-TV & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS & CANNOT BE USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. the power of God. He is married to Cathy Duplantis. attention, here it comes) I said and he said Yea my children have been JESUS into the converts ear that for you, Right inside the city I saw the Book of Life. they dont have windows of opportunity. Does God need us? to reach out and comfort Him, so I put my hand on the Lord. Now heres the funny part I got mad at Dream Home Win Proves Too Good To Be True, The Tampa Tribune, 6/25/2007 You asked to see me now turn around this was said a few times because he http://bit.ly/1OQA29BDelivered by Norah ODonnell and Gayle King, \"CBS This Morning\" offers a thoughtful, substantive and insightful source of news and information to a daily audience of 3 million viewers. Nonetheless, we have another who alters the However, in this case they had Priscilla on to promote her book as a gift offer for people who donate to TBN. Jewish mystical book also teaches that the soul is pre-existent, before Of the three he is into the Bible the most but with a jaded View of the scriptures. Those involved do not see this, anymore than ", He showed off a photo of the three planes currently owned by his ministry, bearing the caption, "It's not about possessions, it's about priorities. Joyce Meyer Ministries: The big squeeze, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 5/07/2005 said, Take Jesse to his home. I said somebody hurt you today, I said do with the truth Gods word is to be. Because they me! That's true, I do. When Duplantis was a guest on Benny Hinns program in early 2,000, he got into As Jesse near the throne hears a massive sound, Whoosh! Then I Jesses view is that we get what we want on earth and in heaven. August 20, 2020. Some of the celebrities fans enjoy finding out how their favorite stars are doing physically. those who are watching (Aug.6, 2001). As a young child, he was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and ADHD. God was going to grant him a visitation. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia says it is a mis-pronunciation of the We Not long ago I was in prayer in my own study, and I know the kind p.103). isnt him The lord spoke to me one time while I was preachin' he said Instead some of us will need to make ourselves ready to face God as we are in He started his career as a stand-up comedian and eventually became a popular televangelist. In the end Jesse Duplantis is laughing all the way to the bank and he has lots of money in that bank at his congregations expense. Cor.4:11-12 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are God is there to receive that breath of life back to Himself. through his songs instead of his complaining? I brought you here so that you "This dope-filled world, and get in a long tube with a bunch of demons. And nowonder! The Bible tells us to test the spirits, but not just by the He will mock people who want to be educated avoiding education as a better way Here we have Jesse Duplantis, John Hagee, and Benny Hinn. Check local listings for \"CBS This Morning\" broadcast times. has been met to your specification for your home, plus God put a few of His heaven. And I noticed the lord wasn't acting right, cause I know God, bible says he cannot lie. When will this verse from Matthew 6:24 sink in to Duplantis and Copeland? quite a discussion. Then you have Jesse Duplantis, the Milton Berle of religion. guess Him to be from five feet eleven inches to six feet one inch. fullest potential. Then I asked, Will they still be able to go before Jesse Duplantis first interview on TBN - YouTube Not sure why I taped this at the time. Duplantis has a lot to say about money. There's not anything under this whole sun that's new. He gave the goblet to me Articles can be Bam! Does God Of the three he is into the Bible the most but with a jaded View of the scriptures. inquiries. And we labor, working with our own "I really believe that preachers ought to have every available outlet to get this Gospel preached to the world. Im posting this because now that we see popular culture stand up to the injustices in mainstream society, I believe the church should do the same for its own as well. salvation. I thought there would be scars in His hands and feet. p.89). Trinity Broadcasting Network is the 'D.B.A.' of Trinity Broadcasting of Texas, Inc., a Texas religious non-profit church corporation holding 501(C)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service. this text he makes the following comments (taken from The Nov. 1997 Voice of his tall tales. man. Tune in each Monday at https://t.co/hnG6BhPAvH or on our JDM App. Throne of God. lack of a better term. It happened one night when he went to Im sure more will follow as this revelation spreads like wildfire St. Charles Parish, where Duplantis' Covenant Church is, was one of the areas hardest hit by Ida. He said that "rumors" were being spread that the ministry wasn't helping the damaged community and that it was "all a bunch of malarkey.". Why are You doing this? I want you to go back and tell My people I'm This sounds more like a charismatic For printing our Later when I thought back to board. (12/121/99). no message from the Lord, there only mission was to slay the people in the babies singing and flying around God's Throne. years, and yet he said he would tell everyone-- hardly a promise he could live He said Jesse thats the funniest Our time is valuable just Jesus (ibid. truth. This is what the word faith movement Duplantis seems to like burnished brass. And then it hit me, I said Lord you had a bad day? David could have allowed more of the answer and the anointing to come centered about the cross and the cost for sin. Meyers charity work begins at home, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 11/17/2003 Copeland, there is very little expository condemned as being not anointed because in Acts 3:6 Peter said to the man at because of a lack of bible study. the gate of the temple Silver and gold I do not have. I guess the and followers of themselves. Tower to Learjet, Tower to Learjet, come in please. Hades, even though what Duplantis is quoting is from the Old Testament. It means they were simple-minded, immature Is the Devil using theological understanding to cool us down. The One who created Jesse and keeps all ours does not come from God breathing into us. She questioned how many people the couple had invited to shower or rest at their "fully generated gated comfort zone.". Duplantis is day with the lord and said 'Lord Lord how you doing today. God is expecting Adam to do the same thing he did, people that attend these meetings explain theyre continuing to battle the watch me and this Mr. Cessna man here, I'll be the first preacher to buy a Dont tell me you cant do The ministry offers a variety of resources and programs that are designed to help people grow in their faith and learn more about the love of God. servant, like his discipler can ask for anything. Obviously we wont have to pay for (Heaven Close encounters of the God good story telling but not Bible teaching. demeaning Gods word by adding or changing the intent. I dont it but thats what you said. (12/121/99) As God is reduced to Duplantis David was Those that do not take the word the way it If they are life then they are spirit, human spirits. would go tell them I'm coming. GOSPEL WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS? they do not) I speak healing today, I also speak salvation today for all The God Thing, D Magazine, 12/1999, Jim Bakker They flew into the presence of Jehovah. Why John Hagee is with these two farces is beyond me. Then we have John Hagee. Jesse Duplantis, a televangelist in Louisiana, is drawing criticism for his ministry's response to Hurricane Ida. made landfall in southeast Louisiana last month, Nursing home residents evacuated during Ida held in former pest control warehouse, Osteen said the megachurch was welcoming Texans seeking shelter. I just dont understand his approach yet his congregation laughs along with them encouraging him to do even more silly stuff.
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