Section 40:37-95.13a - County park commissions, Section 40:37-95.14 - Right to acquire real estate and other property; grants by franchise, lease or contract, Section 40:37-95.15 - Power of eminent domain, Section 40:37-95.17 - Real estate owned by municipality; conveyance to county, Section 40:37-95.18 - Roadways; parkways; grade; alteration, Section 40:37-95.19 - Sale of land not required for park purposes; auction, Section 40:37-95.20 - Vacation of roadways and other ways, Section 40:37-95.21 - Rules and regulations; protection of parks; penalties, Section 40:37-95.22 - Adoption of act; referendum; notice, Section 40:37-95.24 - Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days, Section 40:37-95.25 - Existing laws relating to county park systems, etc., not repealed, Section 40:37-95.26 - Office and expenses of commission, Section 40:37-95.28 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.30 - Adopted law immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.31 - Funds for land and improvements; limitation upon obligations, Section 40:37-95.33 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.35 - Adopted act immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.36 - Disposition of lands by county park commission; resolution, Section 40:37-95.37 - Certification of resolution. Section 40:55D-53 - Guarantees required; surety; release. Section 40:48-1.7 - Private outdoor video surveillance camera registry. Section 40:55D-39 - Discretionary contents of ordinance. As it stands in New Jersey, State Police supervisors at several levels meet and rank troopers eligible for promotion to middle management on a scale of 1 to 100, taking into consideration. Section 40:55D-8.7 - Certain local ordinances void. Section 40:55D-136.4 - Existing government approval; extension period. Section 40:8-2.1 - Operation of airports as public utilities by municipalities. Section 40:43-66.46 - Certification of election results. Section 40:11A-7 - Right of eminent domain, Section 40:11A-7.1 - Relocation or removal of public utility facilities. Section 40:56-34 - Assessment set aside; new assessment a lien; refund, Section 40:56-35 - Assessments, payment in installments; delinquent installments, Section 40:56-36 - Separate account for assessments; sinking fund, Section 40:56-37 - Municipality to pay excess over assessments; taxation to meet excess; report to auditor, Section 40:56-38 - Assessments for benefits not affected by annexation or consolidation, Section 40:56-39 - Mortgaged lands officially held treated as other property, Section 40:56-40 - Limitation on proceedings to restrain or review assessment or award, Section 40:56-41 - Former actions not impaired, Section 40:56-41.1 - Farmland or other open space defined, Section 40:56-41.2 - Deferral of payment of assessment against farmland or other open space; exception; duration of deferral; interest, Section 40:56-41.3 - Lien; filing of record, Section 40:56-41.4 - Nonenlargement of time of appeal due to deferral, Section 40:56-41.5 - Burden of cost of local improvement subject to deferral by municipality, Section 40:56-43 - Proceedings deemed a local improvement; procedure in certain cases. Section 40:14-5 - Work done as local or general improvement; notice. Section 40:66A-18 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; liens, enforcement of; collection. Section 40:55D-144 - Characteristics of sending zone. Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants in Newark PD Forty-two Newark police officers were promoted during a ceremony at the Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church. Section 40:69A-205 - Adoption of schedule of installation of optional plan. Section 40:62-136 - Contracts in excess of $2,500; advertisement for bids; exceptions, Section 40:62-137 - Execution of contract, Section 40:62-138 - Control, regulation and protection of water supply system. Section 40:55D-8.2 - Findings, declarations relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:52-1 - Power to license and regulate. 2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40A - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Section 40A:14-129 - Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Universal Citation: NJ Rev Stat 40A:14-129 (2013) 40A:14-129. Section 40:45-7 - Regular municipal elections; date; place; conduct; change; election officers. Section 40:14B-22.2 - Reduced, abated rents, rates, fees by municipal authority providing electricity. Section 40:48-2.12n - Findings, determinations, declarations. Section 40:48-2.67 - List of municipal residents in need of special assistance. If it is not NJ . Section 40:55D-50 - Final approval of site plans and major subdivisions. (A) The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Township Committee for the Police Department's efficiency and day-to-day operations. Section 40:48-9 - Appropriations to civil war organizations; purposes, Section 40:48-9.1 - Appropriations for expenses of war price and rationing boards; validation of appropriations made, Section 40:48-9.4 - Contributions to nonprofit corporation operating senior citizens center. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:48-2.12a1 - Inspection of buildings. Section 40:49-5.1 - Enactment of code by reference, Section 40:49-5.2 - Publication of rules and regulations unnecessary, when, Section 40:49-5.3 - Copy of code annexed to ordinance considered part of ordinance, Section 40:49-7 - Objections to improvement; passage over protest, Section 40:49-9 - When operative; objections to passage; referendum and notice thereof, Section 40:49-10 - Time of election; special election; ballot, Section 40:49-11 - Result of election; resolution; publication, Section 40:49-12 - Referendum unnecessary in certain cases, Section 40:49-14 - Reference to officer making assessments; map prepared, Section 40:49-15 - Estimate of damages and expenses, Section 40:49-16 - Hearing and notice; assessments proportionate to benefits, Section 40:49-17 - Assessors' report; filing, Section 40:49-18 - Filing of report; hearing; notice of hearing, Section 40:49-19 - Publication; notice mailed to owners, Section 40:49-20 - Hearing to persons interested, Section 40:49-21 - Awards for damages readjusted; ordinance amended, Section 40:49-22 - Corrections to report; entry on minutes; certification, Section 40:49-23 - Republication of ordinance, Section 40:49-24 - Objections to street improvement; passage over objections, Section 40:49-26 - Procedure after passage of ordinance, Section 40:49-27 - Debt-authorization referendum procedure, Section 40:49-27b - Certification of petition, Section 40:50-14 - Water supply and sewerage contracts; abrogation by ordinance, Section 40:50-15 - Purchases approved by voters. Section 40:48H-5 - Assignment of proceeds to trustee. Section 40:62-148.1 - Water commission customers, option for electronic billing, payment. Section 40:54-7.1 - Dissolution of free public libraries. Section 40:37-156 - Park police; removal; trial; proceedings, Section 40:37-156a - Review of conviction, Section 40:37-157 - Park police pension fund; establishment, Section 40:37-158 - Control of fund; bond of treasurer; investments, Section 40:37-159 - Source of pension fund; assessment of members of force, Section 40:37-160 - Additional annual payment to fund, Section 40:37-161 - Return of assessments in certain cases; widow's pension, Section 40:37-162 - Beneficiaries; amount of pension, Section 40:37-163 - Persons entitled to pension; permanent disability; amount, Section 40:37-164 - Persons entitled to pension; age and years of service, Section 40:37-168 - Pensions paid monthly; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-168.1 - Group insurance; deductions from salaries, Section 40:37-168.2 - Group insurance; payment of part of premiums by commission, Section 40:37-168.3 - Exclusion of new members from park police pension or retirement fund by resolution, Section 40:37-169 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-170 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:37-171 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-172 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-173 - Delivery of copy of statement and certificate to board of freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-174 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-195 - Counties governed hereby; referendum; exception, Section 40:37-196 - Commissioners; appointment, number and qualifications, Section 40:37-197 - Commissioners; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37-198 - Commission a body politic; compensation and expenses; oaths, Section 40:37-199 - Officers and employees; appointment and compensation, Section 40:37-200 - Office; records; open to public inspection, Section 40:37-201 - Rules and regulations; penalties for violations, Section 40:37-201.1 - Powers of commission as to use and enjoyment of parks; franchises; use of proceeds from operation, Section 40:37-202 - Park police; establishment; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-202.1 - Referendum to determine hours or salaries of county park police. Section 40:8-2 - Municipal airports; general powers. Section 40:11A-4.1 - Authorization for parking authority to serve as redevelopment entity. Section 40:56-1 - Local improvements; definition and enumeration, doing work as general improvement. The president of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police says police departments will become more diverse only if the New Jersey Civil. Section 40:37-204 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property, Section 40:37-205 - Lands for parks; lease with option to purchase, Section 40:37-206 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-207 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-208 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate, Section 40:37-209 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-210 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-211 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-212 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-213 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-214 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-216 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-217 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-218 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-219 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-220 - Assessments for benefits; disposition of funds; payment of bonds, Section 40:37-221 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-222 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-223 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-224 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-225 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-226 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-227 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-228 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-229 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-230 - Unsold lands struck off to board, Section 40:37-231 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-232 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-233 - Appropriations; action by freeholders, Section 40:37-234 - Appropriations for current expenses included in county budget, Section 40:37-235 - Bond issues; law applicable; deductions from debt statement, Section 40:37-236 - Certain expenses replaced by bond issue; limitation, Section 40:37-237 - Amount collected from benefit assessments applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-238 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-239 - Sale of real estate in certain cases; vacation of roadways, Section 40:37-240 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-241 - Transfer of municipal parks and streets to county park commission, Section 40:37-242 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-243 - Ballot, form and content, Section 40:37-244 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-245 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-246 - Clerk to deliver copy to freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-247 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-248 - Petition for submission, Section 40:37-250 - Freeholders choose law to be submitted; notice to county clerk, Section 40:37-251 - Ballot; law applicable, Section 40:37-252 - Maintenance; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-253 - Acquisition and improvement of other lands, Section 40:37-254 - Purchase and condemnation of contiguous lands, Section 40:37-257 - Condemnation procedure; assessments for benefits; award of damages, Section 40:37-258 - Construction of casino, stadium and other structures, Section 40:37-259 - Rules and regulations; penalties, Section 40:37-261 - Establishment of park police system; composition; rules and regulations. Section 40:68A-43.1 - Provisions relative to municipal port authorities. Section 40:54D-25 - Issuance of bonds, notes. Wall Township Police Department (732) 449-4500 - 2022 MADD Award 2 months ago On Thursday, December 1, 2022, Ptl. Section 40:55D-45.3 - Submission of general development plan. Section 40:66-1.3 - Reimbursement of multifamily dwelling. Section 40:33-13.2n - Rules, regulations. Section 40:81-1 - Members; number; increase or decrease by initiative and referendum. Section 40:48-1.6 - Findings, declarations relative to private outdoor video surveillance cameras. Section 40:48-2.63 - Additional penalties, remedies. Section 40:14A-38 - Findings, declarations relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-39 - Definitions relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-40 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14A-41 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-42 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14A-43 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14A-44 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14A-45 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit, Section 40:14B-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted, Section 40:14B-5 - Membership of joint municipal utilities authorities; staggered terms; vacancies, Section 40:14B-6 - Reorganization of sewerage authority, Section 40:14B-7 - Filing of recognition ordinance or resolution, Section 40:14B-8 - Filing of resolution appointing authority member, Section 40:14B-11 - Election of municipalities within county to become part of county district, Section 40:14B-12 - Separations from districts, Section 40:14B-13 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:14B-13.1 - New sewerage system authorized.
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